About Us
Hi there! I am from Madd’s Games. A solo dev group with just me. We’re looking for a designer to make our group logo.
About The Job
We are looking for someone to make a logo similar to Nosiy Games.
Instead of the N though make a lowercase m and keep the same G style.
We need the letters to be the style of the orginal as shown above but the background in a orange with the effect of the current background. So white-ish orange.
So I need on with a transparent background and the letters and one with a orangy white background with the letters.
Payment is 100% negotiable and when you contact me we can discuss that.
Contact Us
You can contact us here on the Developer Forum. Also contact if you have any questions.
Would you be interested?
- Yes (I will message you or you message me)
- Maybe or I have some questions (I will message you or you message me)
- No
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Thanks for reading!