[CLOSED] Parfait is looking for a programmer! (68K+ Members)


Parfait Is Looking for a Scripter!

About the group:

Parfait (formerly called Yummy’s) is a cafe-oriented group with 68K+ members! We are looking for a programmer who has passion for their work and has the skills needed.

Job Description:

We are looking for a highly skilled programmer who is passionate for their work and can get the job done. You will maintain monthly updates to the game and implement new features. This job is aimed to be a long-term position and we’re looking for someone who will stick by us throughout the time we run the group. We expect high quality work that can be done on-time when requested.


We can do 10% - 15% of income, we can be flexible and work something out later on or upon request in DMs.


You may contact me over discord, my tag is Caleb#2004


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