[CLOSED] [Payment:50-100USD ] latenite it's hiring an scripter for it's upcoming game


We are a development team that’s it’s known as latenite, previously known for the game Clash. We are looking forward to hire a scripter to help us in developing a brand new game called Karakura Journey.

latenite isn’t looking for:

  • Brand new developers without any previous projects in their portfolio.
  • The project doesn’t have to be a real one but it must have practicality.
  • Developers with an unethical history / suspicious or odd background or recent suspicious activities.
  • Developers who are not speaking at least B1/B2 English level
  • Developers under the age of 16

What an ideal candidate looks like

  • Understands and writes fluently and optimized in LUA, this language should hold no secret for you.
  • Knows how to animate basic motions or how to implement animations>
  • Can work with different rigs based on r15 It’s a hard-working passionate individual
  • It’s able to code magical powers and can use custom meshes to create VFX
  • It’s able to create a flawless datastore2 or ProfileService if you’re more efficient with it
  • It’s able to create UI from given references and materials (ideally able to create small animations but that’s optional)
  • Doesn’t have any other projects on the side and it’s willing to dedicate a decent chunk of his time into developing this game

The job you’re about to get hired on it’s a contractual one therefore the payment will be stipulated into the contract; the payment it’s negotiable and will be given in two batches, half of it after the developer has worked on 50% of its duties and 50% after the finished product. We will also provide additional passive income based on the revenue of the game.

Payment: 50 to 100+ usd




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