Greetings! My name is fudgehamster2. I’m currently 17 years old. I’m a very enthusiastic and passionate developer. I’ve been developing for almost 3 years now. I started out as a small developer making very basic concept builds, I soon expanded my projects and started working at small groups. I’m now currently developing for one of the biggest hotel groups on Roblox! I love to provide to the community. I currently do building, mesh work- such as trees, terrain and I’m always keen to learn new things on blender!
I’m available most days, I currently get a lot of commissions so there is a list! I try to complete and exceed as many orders as possible! I do have other stuff to do like College, I’m mostly active on Discord!
Building: Usually is Negotiable however I work around low-medium prices depending on the project, size etc. I’m currently accepting around 5k+, preferably 10-15k+.
You can contact me here on the Developer Forum or via my discord: Sir fudge a lot!#0001
I’m currently refreshing/restarting my whole portfolio and building style! All old builds I will no longer be showcasing as I want to start fresh. I will keep my old builds up for a general idea, however since I’m advancing these aren’t what you should guide from! Thanks
Heyo people! As you may be aware my account was recently hacked. The hacker changed my username from “fudgehamster2” to “Egdrod” and made unauthorised trades etc. I was able to contact Roblox about this and thankfully I’ve managed to get the account back, however my account is currently being restored. I would like to thank both Roblox, my friends, clients and people I get to develop with for helping me get through these difficult times. I will soon be re-opening my comms at a slightly higher price. Thanks