Venti® is a cafe-based group offering a wide variety of different foods, drinks, and snacks! At our cafe, you can order from one of our lovely staff members, go swimming in our breathtaking pool, or ride down one of our many, many slides!
Our group currently consists of over 32k+ members, and that number is only growing.
What’s the job all about?
The Venti® development team has been actively working on a brand new version for numerous months, however, there are various things that need to be finished or started on that simply cannot be done at this time. This is where you have the chance to come in. We are interested in hiring someone with good scripting and UI design skills to assist us in getting this version out, as well as assisting in any future updates. Venti® has a lot of plans in the near future for our newest version, and we want you to help us carry it out!
How much you payin’?
In terms of the things we need you to do to even get this version out in the first place, it could range around 10,000 R$. This is most certainly negotiable whether it’d go lower or higher. For any update or project past the release that we might want you to help with, we’ll just have to discuss and see.
This sounds great! How do I put myself forward for the position?
Leave a comment on this post listing your Twitter @ (example: @RealVitalious), along with your portfolio or some examples of what you can do!
If you have any questions, leave a comment and I’ll try to reply whenever possible.
Signed, Vitalious
Head of Development
I’m looking for someone who can do UI and script it, as well just being talented at scripting in general. Basically a hybrid developer. In terms of scripting, I need someone who can create almost everything I ask for with ease. Up to the bar of ordering systems, animations, exploit protection, etc.