[CLOSED] Programmer | Restaurant Order System | 15-20k



Hampton is a hotel organization with 5,000+ members. Hampton was officially launched in the summer of 2016. At the time of the launch, I had almost no experience in using Roblox Studio or managing groups. Fast forward to now, seeing the previous versions of Hampton is somewhat embarrassing to me. I’ve grown so much as a builder and seeing the progress is insane! (I’ll include some previews below) Anyways, after nearly a year of inactivity, my team and I are extremely excited to release v4 and officially re-launch Hampton. We just need to finish a few more things before that’s possible. We’re hoping you can help us. Look over the information below for all of the details.


Who We Need

This job is one for an experienced programmer knowledgable in UI design OR anyone who is confident that they would be able to complete the project as detailed below, within a timeframe of 1-3 months. Communication is a major key. Keep me updated, and I’ll keep you updated. Before beginning / agreeing to this position, I would need to see some of your previous projects. Please also be aware that this is not a group rank. Yes, you are developing for Hampton, but you will not be given access to edit group games. However, necessary assets will be provided if necessary. (ex: something I build that needs scripting)

If possible, the end goal is to have whoever is hired be our go-to person for Hampton scripting projects, big or small. This will build trust and keep the game more organized (in my opinion).


What We Need

There are a lot of details for this project. I know exactly how I want it to work and hope that someone will be able to understand what I need! To see all of the information of what we need, please read over the document here.

  • I would not have any issues if some of these things weren’t possible, OR if you had any other suggestions on how to do things.
  • If you needed me to design the GUI’s and how I want them to look, I could definitely do it for you. I would just need you to do ALL of the scripting.



Before payment is given, all details should be worked out and matching the details in the document listed earlier, or any details discussed with Amsupr. The payout for this project is 15,000 ROBUX as of now, and may be negotiated. If USD would be a better option, we can discuss that privately.

More Information

As you complete the project for us, we would expect that you respect the following:

  • No sharing, discussing, or leaking previews of development with anyone besides Amsupr.
  • Once payment is provided, Hampton should be in possession of ALL of the scripts, GUIs, or other components necessary for the proper function of the system.
  • If there is an issue with the system in the future, or something needs to be added, we ask that you please be available for support.



You can contact me using one of the following methods:

  • Discord: Amsupr#1014 (send a friend request & reply in the thread stating that you sent one)
  • Send me a message on Roblox (must follow)
  • Send me a DevForum message
  • Reply stating that you are interested



Although this project is a large one, (or at least it seems that way to me) I have no doubt that someone is capable of creating it. Whoever that person may be, please do not hesitate to contact me. Your work will always be credited in the game description(s), and payment will always be provided per project. Any questions, comments, or concerns should be posted below or messaged to me privately.

Thanks for your time :smiley:
I can’t wait to start working with you, whoever you may be.

Oh, and here are those previews I was talking about..

2017 (before):

2019 (now):

Feel free to leave feedback, (don’t be too mean pls lol)


I just want to say that you put in a lot of effort into describing exactly what you want the programmer to do, along with general project information. This is great, and more people in this section should look at this thread like a template for what to do.


Thanks, I really appreciate it.


I’m interested! Accept me in Discord (JimMoud#0337) so we can discuss!


This is back open. Please DO NOT contact if you aren’t going to follow through. Thank you.


I’m not a scripter but, using a discord web-hook is a bad idea because of rate-limits.


I’m not either, but I’ve used webhooks in the past for joinlogs, givelogs, and other useful things and I haven’t had an issue.


You will if you do not use them properly. In my opinion you should log your stuff in a table and when game closes loop through it with wait(x)'s between indices to prevent getting rate-limited. If I were you I would also wrap the script in pcalls to prevent the script from throwing errors and eventually breaking the whole script. By the way I’d take your scripting offer if I wasn’t busy.


Whenever you’re not busy or get some time, I’d be happy to offer it to you if someone else isn’t interested before then. I’m not really in a rush for this system.


Have anyone got the job yet?


They will possibly update the title and more if they have the person or people they need.




For those wondering, we have not found someone for the job yet. The title will be updated once someone is interested.

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I’m interested, Please accept me on discord [NanoTimeGaming#6504] i have a few things to dicuss :slight_smile:



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Closed, thanks to everyone who contacted me.

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