Welcome to Quarantined: Outbreak!
Hi there! This is Quarantined: Outbreak, a small upcoming survival game. We’re looking for builders who are willing to join our team and work with us on our game.
So, What is Quarantined: Outbreak about?
Quarantined: Outbreak will be a new (free to play) PvP survival game similar to Apocalypse Rising 2 and Rovive, based on classic survival games known as “H1Z1: Just Survive”, and “RUST” . Quarantined will have a high skill gap for combat, you can team up with your friends or make/join clans, and build/raid bases, which means full out 100 player wars on eachother!
The Team
@joshuasol - Main Programmer , Gameplay Designer and UI Designer.
@oreoollie Secondary Programmer
@SithVirtus - Builder
@noobymcnoobnooberson - Builder
@Who you may apply for: - Programmer
@ Who you may apply for: - Builder
Progress Made:
Progress Made on Quarantined So Far:
Quarantined AR15 Weapon Showcase - YouTube
This is the Weapon System made by me, @joshuasol , it’s bullet drop, recoil and viewmodel are based off of H1Z1’s, as we recreated some portions of it.
Quarantined Movement Showcase - YouTube
This is the recreated movement and overall camera design for Quarantined. We have recreated proning, crouching, and a lookaround camera. We also adapted ours to have movement tricks like crouch spamming, and snaking (a technique where you spam prone but in the getup animation you jump in order to deceive players.)
Quarantined: Outbreak Menu - YouTube
Here is a video of the Menu for Quarantined: Outbreak. It’s a concept of what it shall be, with the main menu screen, the server select screen, the inventory, and settings.
Here is a picture of the menu area build/tech demo made by people previously working on the game, showcasing the type of build/art style we are looking for our builders who want to apply.
Here’s a picture of one of the skins for our upcoming Demo we’ll be giving out, called “Q-oni Chan AR15”. It was a running joke in our community that we needed a mascot, so one of the devs on the team decided to draw a character that had H1Z1-style clothes on, and this is what we got.
About the Job:
We are looking for Professional Scripters (and builders) who can do this:
Be able to work well with Things related to Items like extensive datastoring and table related items, like Inventories, Skin saving, and even potentially a survival game wipe system.
Be able to do smooth terrain, work with med poly/quality styles, and (possibly) model/make textures for skins.
The Payment for Quarantined: Outbreak will currently be at 15 - 20% from the revenue we make for the Pre Alpha and the skin crates that we are releasing. However, if you want to be paid in any other form, we can talk about it and decide payments.
Contact Us
You can contact us here on the Developer Forum, via Twitter at: https://twitter.com/QuarantinedGame , or through my discord at movemint#9006 .
You must be 13 years or older to apply.
Thanks for reading, and we hope you apply!