Hello DevForum! It’s been awhile since I last posted and today I’m looking for someone with a unique skillset. As a quick summary, I need someone with the skills to design clean, sleek, and post-modern/pre-futuristic shirts/pants for a game I’m working on. The details are below:
The Team (Development)
The company in charge of this project is separate and it’s name will not be mentioned until the game’s release, however, the development team is solely run by me for now until we can afford a larger team. I am currently in charge of the project and I handle everything from programming to modeling.
Project Lead - @snorebear
We are looking for a uniform designer capable of designing:
- Military-esque & formal security uniforms for a Security Department and a Special Ops Division.
- Scientist/Laboratory worker uniforms for a Research Department.
- Medical uniforms for a Medical Department.
- Logistics uniforms, vests, etc. for a Logistics/Engineering Department.
- General staff uniforms. (can be described later)
- Visitor uniforms. (can be described later)
- Human test subject uniforms. (can be described later)
Keep in mind: these are ALL Rthro. The final product can either be in a Roblox Shirt/Pants object or in a texture file. (preferably as a .png if as a texture)
For this project, I am willing to pay upwards of 5000 Robux. If payment becomes an issue, feel free to negotiate, however I will not go above 5000 Robux. The payment will come out as a group payment from a separate group I am apart of.
Please message me via the DevForum or by a reply to this post so I can send you my Discord username. Questions, comments, or concerns are recommended to be directed as a reply so others who may have the same question, comment, or concern can see my response to it.
As a side note, you must be 13+ years of age. You also must be prepared to provide previous works and evidence of your abilities to complete the task. I reserve the right to deny payment for poorly made assets. Agreements can be made after contacting me.
Thank you all for reading this. Enjoy the rest of your day and I hope to be meeting some of you soon.