[Closed] Realistic / High Poly Developer for city assets

Looking for a Short Term Realistic Developer

About Us

Hi there! I’m Sixwoods I’m currently working on a skate game hangout game under my group BPK.

The Team
@sixwoods - Project Lead

You can see our progress so far here:

About The Job

We are looking for a realistic / high poly builder to join our team as our temporary. We are only looking for the exterior of buildings as well as a developer who can add and fix our roads for example intersections of our city. We’re looking for someone with a good work ethic and has experience building cities. Daily communication is needed

Examples of what we are looking for:




We are paying 500-3000 robux $3.5-$10 USD per asset. Payment is negotiable and can be increased.

Contact Us

You can contact us here on the Developer Forum
discord: six#7949
twitter: @6sixwoods
You must be 13 years or older to apply.

Have an amazing day! :slight_smile:![image|280x210]

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