[CLOSED] Retro'd | Hiring a builder

[CLOSED] Retro’d | Hiring a builder

Retro’d Group

Retro’d | What does the job consist of?
Welcome to Retro’d! Our group is a retro 80s diner establishment. We offer the traditional things such as Milkshakes, Burgers, Fries, etc. We value and treasures our community and our Management Team. We additionally strive for a team work atmosphere and to maintain commitment amongst our team. Moreover, it is fundamental to us that our community is accepting!

Retro’d | Requirements and Expectations*

  • You must be 13+ years or older to apply for this position.
  • You must be experienced with ROBLOX studious and building. No minimum building experiences are required.
  • You must have a Discord account and be willing to join our communications server.
  • You must have a portfolio/past work willing to be presented upon request.
  • You must have good communication skills, meaning updates must be shown.

Retro’d | Job Perks*

  • A Contributor rank inside our game.
  • You’ll receive credits for the work that you’ve completed in our game.
  • A safe and BAME/LGBTQ+ friendly atmosphere.

Retro’d | Tasks and Contract*

  • 2 story diner including exterior and interior designing. Our modeler will give you the parts needed for it, your job is just to implement it into the build.
  • Map creation and terrain must be completed too. This needs to be experienced within the 50s - 60s industry. So, a town, road, some shops that all link to a street where the diner can be located.

Retro’d | Payment

The payment will begin at 50 USD. You’ll be payed once all of the tasks have been completed on our behalf. If you wish to remain for future projects, that would be fine on our behalf. We are currently only accepting USD as a payment type.

Retro’d | Contact Information

If you’re interested in the job, please contact myself on Discord. My discord username is rioo!#0004. If not, you may message me at @MrsSeberaa.


I think you’ve posted in the wrong category. Try #collaboration instead

Thank you. I’ll re-post it into the other category now.

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I cannot build in the style I think you want, however, I do see that you game has some messy terrain. Would you need any help maybe making that look a little nicer?

That’s lovely, however, we’re looking for someone who’s able to create a new terrain and exterior design for our group! We’re no longer using that build, therefore, no updates need to be carried out on that game! Thank you for offering, though!

Hello you discord is not working mind adding me godthegamer#2185

Sure! I will send you a request now.

I am interested as a 3D Modeler, please DM me to the user RocketScript#5634

This is my portfolio: Advanced Low-Poly and Mid-Poly Modeler for Hire! (CLOSED)

This seems fun, I’m interested! ([Closed] Daystopia || Builder Portfolio)

Greetings! Thank you for posting in regards to this commission, however, I am not interested. Once more, thanks for showing interest!

Greetings! Thank you for posting in regards to this commission, however, I am not interested.Thanks for showing interest!

Greetings! Thank you for posting in regards to this commission, however, I am not interested.

This position is still open! Please comment below with a link to your portfolios.

You replied to me twice, four days apart, and said the same thing?

Your discord is invalid, please notify/update the post if you decide to change your username/tag.

As for your commission I would be happy to be apart of your team, I will leave a link to my portfolio down below, please note my style(s) are not particular and are versatile when considering my hirement.

If you are interested contact me here.


My tag is still 0004, I just remember that my nitro didn’t decide to renew, therefore, it changed. I’ve changed it back over now, thanks for reminding me!