Closed the recruitment. Applications are no longer being accepted.
Stay tuned, we are constantly hiring!
Closed the recruitment. Applications are no longer being accepted.
Stay tuned, we are constantly hiring!
Highly interested, I’ll be contacting you on Discord, my name is Rummy#0001
Porftolio | [OLD] Game Designer
Correction , I’ll be contact you on the DevForum*
I’m intersted , will contact you later on discord .
Please contact me on devforum first!
I am very interested in helping!
Contacted you!
Hope to hear from you soon.
Hello! I am up for the job and highly interested! Contact me on discord.
Shoot a message to me on devforum first please!
I am highly interested. My discord is kirisho#5862
Shoot a message to me on devforum first please!
Oh, okay. I’ll do that. Thanks.
I’ve messaged you!
I have. Did you check it? If not I can re send …
Hello! I am willing to apply, please DM me on discord: Jessie#4550! Thank you!
I would apply but most of the benefits aren’t that great. Alongside this, some of the resignation terms and conditions are a bit sus. Specifically:
c) Public notice about your scandal, and documenting your case for other developers and companies.
You are NOT allowed to abandon any tasks that have been begun. If you want to resign, you will need to finish your work in the 2 weeks period.
- Are there any exceptions to that?
I wish you luck on getting a project manager, just doesn’t seem like the job for me.
Also, just to add onto my message, C kind of sounds like blackmail.
I sent a message, hope you will read it!
Also, I Dmd you on Devforum, you can check it out! I gave you a few informations that you may want to know, etc.
Sorry for the comments, but have you seen my message. I am not sure if it sent. It showed me it was sent, but I am concerned if you have even saw it. D: