Run a health check and see if the RAM isn’t capable of running roblox or not enough memory. If all else fails contact roblox support and give them the crash details
My roblox wont start, ive already discussed this for the past 4 days on numerous forums and posts so im not going to here, but roblox support isnt answering… lol idk what i expected but they dont answer my second response. I say in a contact forum that (explanation here) then they ask to clarify the stuff i clarrified in the forum i litterally just made and they responded to. since ive done it 3 times i dont expect a different response.
I forgot to clarify, but roblox has responded. They basically said that they are aware and are trying to fix it. I really like fiddling with computers hence i know a lot about them (i have not done anything that would either break or reck my pc making roblox not work. I use test computers for that). Roblox not working even thoguh i have tried tonnes of stuff is beyond me.
Are you using a 64-bit OS?
Other than that Roblox’s system requirements say Windows 7 is supported but honestly I don’t know until what extent. I’d get surprised if Roblox designed the anticheat with Windows 7 in mind.
I factory reset my computer and it fixed. If you have a windows computer, the problem is called the “insider program”. If you sign up it can mess up your comptuer. Since i dont think most are science nerds i will not bored you by reading this. Simple answer is that the “insider program” gives you early access to windows updates, but most applications are not optimized or will work with those updates. Hence why it messes up your computer. They should have a massive warning when signing up rather than just making it seem like its all handy dandy (i know a pretty good amount about computers, and it assumed it was the program from the begginging since it was causing most issues, but if your not into comptuers it is so annoying when you get an issue and cant solve it)