[CLOSED] Roblox Residence 2 | Looking for UI designer | % of revenue or 70k

Hiring GUI Designer

I’m hiring a GUI designer for my game Roblox Residence 2!

I’ll be paying 70k robux or a percentage of game, you can choose (percentage to be discussed off this topic)

The GUI design must have a sort of ‘cartoony’ style to it to match the build

Something like this:

However I like people who work with me to express their creativity so if you have a design in mind then we’ll definitely explore it.

Here are some screenshots of the games build:


Contact me via:

  • DM on DevForums
  • Twitter DM (@Wonuf_)
  • Discord: Wonuf#8685
  • Roblox PM

This reminds me of terio… @Ashtheking300

This was built way before Terio

Added on discord

How much work is involved? That seems like an awful lot of images in the example, for only 70k


That was just an example of what sort of style I’m looking for, I don’t need nowhere near as much work as that. Something I’d need is just things like boxes, buttons, banners, some icons (such as coins, cash, house, gear) all in the same style just different colours.

A designer has been found, thank you to the people who applied, hope I get to work with you one day!

i was actually hired to build for this game a loooong time ago but i bailed out cause i couldnt do it

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