[Closed] ROWGNation is hiring an Experienced - UI Designer, Using Roblox UI -

About Us

Hello, We are ROWGNation, the development team behind the up and coming zombie defense game “Zombie Task Force”.

Position : UI Designer


  • UI creation Using ONLY Roblox elements
  • UI special effects and animations ( would be nice )


  • Create a UI for our Up and Coming Lore and Hero information Pages


  • 10+ hours a week
  • 2+ years of experience
  • Minimum age is 14 to apply
  • Report and communicate progress on a daily basis
  • Professional communication
  • Must show a portfolio with References


We generally pay per asset. $20 up to $200+ on larger tasks.
Complete the task and we pay promptly Via Paypal USD.

in Robux that range is 1,700 - 20,000 ROBUX per task.

How to Apply

Please submit the following to Discord: ROWG_Leader#3822 or Dev-Forum DM (@ROWG_Leader)

  • A portfolio showing experience
  • Examples of work and GIFs
  • Previous games you have worked on
  • Any references

Please be sure to include your Roblox name, Location time zone, and hours of work available

Thanks We look forward to Reviewing Applications!

The Game:

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