[CLOSED] Scripter (Area-02)

Area-02 is Recruiting a Junior Scripter

R$20,000 every Monday

Game Information

Area 02 is an SCP game owned and operated by Toad_II’s Foundation and Octa Studios that functions as an RP (role-play) game. By applying for this position and being accepted onto the development team, you will be registered as an independent contractor (more information below).

Job Description

We are looking for a junior scripter to assist us with Area 02’s future updates, including the Summer Update and more. Specifics on tasks will be given to you by the Area-02 Lead Developers following your recruitment. If you have further questions, see the Contact section.

By applying for the position of Scripter, we expect that you have the following:

  • 2+ years of experience with building in Roblox studio.
  • Knowledge of memory leaks
  • Knowledge of popular FOSS such as ProfileService & Datastore2, etc.
  • Usage of standard code format and documentation
  • Experience working with animators, builders, modelers, and other developers of varying specialties.
  • A portfolio to reference during selection.
  • Previous employers to back you for this position.
  • A Discord account.
  • A professional (business) email.
  • The ability to create quality assets at efficient speeds.

You are recommended to have:

  • Skills in team communication.
  • Experience with Trello.
  • Experience with Google Docs.


We are offering a weekly payment (every Monday) of R$20,000. This payment may adjust depending on your work quality over time.

Contact Information

Anyone applying for this position will contact me first through the forum (either on this post or in PMs) and then I will guide you to my Discord where we can discuss payment and getting you setup with Trello and the rest of the team. My timezone is PDT so bare with me if I experience delays in responding to your requests.

Note: Must be 13+ to apply to comply with Discord ToS - Moderators reserve the right to ask for an account homepage screenshot

I wish you all the best of luck and look forward to working with one of you soon!

~ snorebear, Chief Development Officer

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