Hi there! I am offering my services as a scripter. I have been scripting for about 4 and a half year in roblox, with an additional year in other languages. I can use thins like OOP, modules ect.
I do NOT own this youtube channel, but helped/made most of the videos on it.
I also did not create any of the sprites or models. What I did do is script most of this battle, the attacks, hearts, moves ect…
Super Powers
Here are some Super Powers/Abilities I’ve made.
I did not make the meshes/models/animations of any of theses, I just scripted them.
I have a lot more work that I either can’t find or don’t have any gifs of it.
I am available for six to eight hours of work on the weekends. My time zone is NZT so keep that in-mind when contacting that I might be sleeping. This does not effect my work though. Unlike some people in the pandemic I have normal school so Monday to Friday I can only work about two hours.
Prices are negotiable, I accept everything other than game % (unless already earning), and payment after game release.
You can contact me here on the Developer Forum or via Disocrd at:
Would you be able to script a couple of things for my game? Like
-DogeHunt System
-level selection
-loading screen
My group Classics Remake is working on a game, and I was wondering how much it might be for you to script combat and dash. Also working weapons for ninjas and samuarai.
Hello! I sent you a Discord Friend request! I need someone to make a tool giver GUI. For Example I have a Drink and wanna Give it to my friend. I would pay from 100 - 200 robux, I look forward to working with you.