[CLOSED] Scripter & Gui Maker | Skilled and Talented!


My name is lnsertYourself. I am a skilled and talented scripter and gui maker. I am looking to join an enthusiastic, passionate, and dedicated team.

What Kind of Team I’m Looking For

  • Teammates of equal skill and capabilities
  • A clear and fleshed out game idea or concept
  • I would like to have a say on decisions and have opinions heard
  • Full transparency
  • Open mindedness / Take criticism


I have done a plentiful of commissions to get practical scripting experience. But I will show you one of my creations that I am most proud of:

Building by @Sorran1
Scripting and GUI by @lnsertYourself

  • Uses event-based transitions
  • Fluid use of tweens
  • Saves data using DataStore2
  • ViewportFrames


I can basically script anything because of my built-up knowledge and experience. This is just a small showcase of what I spent a week on.


I am approaching my second year of college as a Computer Science student (so you know I’m smart :wink:) so I can only dedicate so-much time on the project every day. However, in two weeks, my three-week school break is going to begin and I can grind hard for that time period. So please take advantage of this opportune time :slight_smile:


I prefer percentage pay because I am looking for a long-term team to keep our game alive by updating, bug fixing, and overall improve the player experience.


You can contact me here on the Developer Forum or via Discord at: Insert#0865

Thank you for reading! :slight_smile:


Ok, so I’ve been working on a tycoon style game, but I’m trying to make it very unique. For example, superhero tycoon is just a boring common tycoon, but other tycoons, like lumber tycoon 2, is new and exciting.

Here is my progress so far:

I have a lot of ideas for the game, so send me a friend request if you’re interested.

Not into tycoons. Looking for something more unique, interesting, and creative.


I cannot add you on discord so please add me: Kenny_Ronin#8671
The game I am making is a PvP game where characters from many movies, games, and stories will be included.

We are interested! [CLOSED] Hevix Studios - Adventure Game - #6 by x_ontez