[CLOSED] Scripter Needed For Border RP Game

Hello everyone! I’m SONICTHEHEDGEHOGXX. I’ve been developing on this platform for 10+ years I can do just about everything besides programming.

Our team is currently on the lookout for a scripter to help us complete this project. We have everything ready to go; (Build, Interface, Assets and more.) The game will be taking a very simplistic approach, so development shouldn’t take more than a few weeks to complete.

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We’re developing this game for the Military group; The First Encounter Assault Recon; The First Encounter Assault Recon - Roblox Which currently has 330,000+ members. Our members have been constant in requesting for a Border/City-RP game similar to the, The Robine ;

(Play here to get a grasp on what the experience is like; Project Realism - Roblox)

We hesitated on our members request for quite some time, but due to the consistency of their request, we finally decided to go forward with it. Our goal is to make an experience similar to the Robine but putting our spin to it.

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The game starts you off as an Immigrant. Immigrant’s objective is to proceed through the border wall, to become an official Citizen of the city. The catch is the city is military governed. Citizens must follow the rules and regulations to remain a Citizen. The First Encounter Assault Recon - (F.E.A.R.) Will be enforcing these rules if they catch anyone out of line they will be imprisoned, or shot dead on sight.

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The city contains many activities and benefits, such as; more ways to earn currency, housing, weapon vendors, and more. There are also criminal activities that can take place such as; bank robbing, raids on the citadel and general murder of citizens and military. Criminals will be lurking around the city working to achieve riches, building up their inventory of gear so they can take over the military government.

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The game is taking the things people love about clans, merging it with social/RP aspects making for a unique experience. This project is not just for our clan members to enjoy but the average Roblox player as well.

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We have more details we would love to share on Discord. Our team has a whole Trello board filled with the entire game-plan for this project. If you’re interested please continue to read the requirements and further details on pay, etc.

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  • Active and doesn’t have a busy schedule
  • Age at least 16+ but we prefer if you’re 18+
  • Experience in Lua Programming
  • Experience with Server and Client Structure (Filtering Enabled)

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This is Contract Work you will be paid exactly $1,500 when the list of work we give you is completed. We plan to continue paying for work that’s done towards the game even after it’s been completed, such as additional updates and simple maintenance.

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This project can lead to bigger things in the future. If we see skill and compassion in your work this can possibly lead to a Partnership on our future projects.

Are you interested in signing up? DM @SONICTHEHEDGEHOGXXfor more info so we can get started.

If you have any concerns or issues with this post please feel free to give your thoughts on this thread I would be happy to respond to any of your questions or concerns you may have.


Extremely captivating map design, as usual. I don’t have time myself, but best of luck for the project!


Extremely motivated team in general, with a drive as well as the skill necessary to work on and manage projects. I highly recommend working for them.


Can we get paid in robux?

$1,500? An extremely generous offer.

Whoever get’s this job is a lucky man.

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I only pay in USD.

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Looks great!

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Sent you a message

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