[CLOSED] scripter needed

The offer has been retracted.

So you’re asking for a Scripter to complete an entire game with all its mechanics for a one-time lump sum that equals 150 robux per hour on average? This is very little time with immensely strict deadlines for a pay that’s so far below minimum wage McDonalds starts to sound attractive.

That is of course unless the deadlines are actual days and we assume 8 working hours per day, which makes the deadlines so strict it’s virtually impossible for anyone currently alive.

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I was going to say XD
Should be more per script.

Literally more work than McDonalds
Literally less pay than McDonalds

Please re-evaluate

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@TaaRt @kingdom5 @wravager I think the pay is pretty fair but you are right about the deadlines what would you suggest thats more suitable?

For what you want this pay is definitely not fair as the others stated above.

With deadlines it is best to decide them with the developer doing the work as they will be in a better position to explain which parts would take more time to complete.

However whay you are asking for is more of a “critical path analysis”. If you are on a strict deadline this is one of the best ways to plan out work.

You are asking for a Scripter to make what’s pretty much an entire game, in order to make that fair you’d have to pay in a percentage. Good people cost money, if it’s a better option to just script all you said and find their own builder your offer isn’t cutting it. With your pay the time spent should equal devex value of above minimum wage levels. 65k robux for the amount of work given would mean it’s fair for roughly 21 hours of total work (not even 3 working days of 8 hours each) where the wage is devex value of approximately 14usd.

Regardless, pay a Scripter in a percentage as in the end they are a large percentage of the game’s success.

The job was targeted at a lower-end/less-experienced Scripter as the expectations for the quality & deoth of the work are relatively low. Posting on the public category may have been more appropriate.

Apologies for the disruption caused. I’ll reevaluate the prices/deadlines and come up withta more attractive, generous offer.

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