[CLOSED] [Scripter] Thug Life [FP DEV]

Developer Background

I’m Ravogan, owner of Beast Games & artist for Superhero City.


I’m a very versatile and extremely active developer. :mega:
I’m a self-dependent builder, 3D modeler, UI Designer, & GFX artist in blender. :hammer:
Ravogan | Builder / UI Designer / 3D Modeler / GFX Artist (see portfolio)

My last project, Superhero City, was a giant success which grossed 50,000 USD :money_with_wings: in it’s two week debut on front page; earning the studio 1K+ USD :chart_with_upwards_trend: a day. (view it below)

Superhero City Accomplishments



I Gave the OWNER MAX ROBUX to make me #1 PLAYER (Roblox) - YouTube (Tofuu gameplay 900,000+ views)

📚 [DAILY QUESTS!] 🎉⚡ Superhero City - Roblox (play here)

The Project: Thug Life

What is Thug Life?

see below

This is a game pre-built by me.
The map, meshes, UI Design, gamepass icons, and advertisements / funding will be supplied by myself.

Thug Life Development (click me)


The map will be ready to view by this weekend and the game’s logo, thumbnail (made by @i5k), and animations will all be supplied this weekend as well.

About The Job

Rather than a one-time payment, I am offering a 50% share in game revenue for the rest of the game’s existence. :man_teacher: :bar_chart:

1.) This will boost your morale; this is the opportunity to split a fortune of a lifetime; profiting even after the main task is completed.
2.) This will benefit the game, allowing us to work together and release steady updates after the initial release.

About the Game

This is a simulator that pulls the best aspects out of each individual game in roblox.

Superhero City's Aspect

The gameplay and monetization will mainly stem from Superhero City, where players are given tools to train their abilities by clicking, [ex: 1 click = +1 attack] ; to boost their PvP performance and where they are given +5 coins every 30 seconds for surviving outside the spawn’s safezone.

Players will also be given the opportunity to earn coins and xp faster if they become impatient by purchasing devproducts in the game’s market. (…wink wink)

Saber Simulator's Aspect

The use of weapons will stem from Saber Simulator, which has been a great success on roblox.
(Infact, the #1 sim on roblox right now is basically a reskin of this game.)

Players will begin by fighting enemies with their firsts. Then at every milestone [ex: 100 strength, 1,000 strength, etc.] , players will be able to unlock a new weapon (for free) as a reward for their progress. Weapons are purely cosmetic & damage will be based on the players strength stat.

(Ex: If a player has 1,580 strength, he will deal 1,580 damage.)

Weapons are currently restricted to meelee (to meet the 2 week deadline) and the animations have been taken care of.


Jailbreak's Aspect

I’m just kidding, I can’t release all the game details on this post because Nosniy is after my game idea.

I can assure you though, it’s a very simple concept w/ lots of room for visuals.

How long do I have to apply?

I will be selecting the best candidate that responds before winter break begins. :snowman_with_snow: :trophy:
After 72 hours, I will no longer be taking applicants. :no_entry:

My original plan was to wait until the map was fully-built before I posted this, but I wanted to give applicants enough time to apply.

Here however, is a preview of what I have built:


(again, play it here: 📚 [DAILY QUESTS!] 🎉⚡ Superhero City - Roblox)

  • (and as I am gathering responses for this post, I will be building the map and keeping everyone on my Twitter updated with the progress.) :baby_chick::+1:

Contact Us

I prefer the Devforum messaging system, it’s efficient for everyone.

Discord: Ravogan#2678
Twitter: @Ravo_RBLX

Thank you for your interest! :slight_smile:


It seems a little confusing at first, and I for one took a while to understand what you were looking for. The title of your post says “[OPEN] [Scripter]” but you write “I will not be commissioning a scripter for this project” later on in the post. It’s a bit misleading, perhaps you should take out the “commissioning a scripter for this project” part and just say that you want to find a scripter that will help with the creation of the project.

Hopefully this helps others that may get confused with the same thing as well. I hope the project goes well, and I will definitely be checking it out!

  • HumorousSilence
    (Nice work on Superhero City by the way!)
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Thank you for pointing this out to me very quickly. :+1:
I understand how the wording may have been tricky to interpret; hopefully this helps.

  • Ravogan

Of course! I hope to see your game flourish soon!

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responses will not be accepted after tomorrow

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