About Us
Hi there! I’m from Drizzle Resorts & Hotels, we are starting to grow fast, and now we are in need for a scripter that can do one task for us. If you’d like to check out our game so far, take a look at our group games, thanks.
About The Job
We are looking for someone that could make us a tool that can allow our SHRs to communicate to each other in different Servers, like a radio. The radio is basically how you see other Police Roleplay games - but with the UI fitting in with our game, and being customized, and as mentioned before - allowing our SHRs to talk to each other in different Servers - that is the most crucial part. Make sure the UI works for all devices, can be moved, closed, etc. More information will be given if you are interested.
Highest amount given is 2000 robux, can be negotiated if you’d wish.
Contact Us
You must be 13 or older to script this - please contact me by Discord only. Shad#3200
Thanks for reading!