I am @Crrustyy, the co founder of IdlePride Games! Our goal is to make a bunch of different games, and for now we are focusing on our horror game, which is inspired by piggy!
The game
We have started building, but cannot show the progress so far for certain reasons. However, I can say that the game will follow a similar concept to the semi original game, Piggy. The player will have to escape the “Monster” and find a way out etc…
The job
As the programmer, you will have to make sure that these tasks are complete:
Round System
Players will teleport to the map after a certain amount of time; intermissions etc…
Different player is the monster each time
Map Voting System
Players will get to choose the maps; highest votes gets chosen (for now there is one map)
When the game starts, a little cutscene plays.
In out system
When the player joins a game, the menu gui shows - when they press play, they are part of the player table. When they press return, they are out of it. (Similar to the piggy menu gui).
When the player wins, they will get a reward, like 100 coins for example.
That is it for now!
As mentioned in the title, the payment is, for now, percentages. 20% goes to each scripter. However, the pay will change as soon as we start making money (we have a marketer). Please, feel free to contact me if there is a problem!
Hello there, first of all, good luck with your game! I am not interested in this position, however I have a suggestion. Considering this is a simple game and 20% for a scripter is way below average, I think you should hire just 1 scripter. I can’t speak for others but I feel more confident working alone in small projects. It is easier to organize and the payment you get is higher. It could take some time adapting with how one scripts or organizes their projects, where as when you are alone you organize the project as you wish in your own way. I think you could get your game done faster too.
I want to advice for anyone writing a recruitment post to instead of revealing features within the game, you should rather state what the programmer needs to be revised in.
Round System? - They should understand how to use basic frameworks in order to have a secure serversided game logic.
Randomiser - Most likely, you’d want a pseudo random approach, therefore the scripter needs to know how to implement an weight-based algorithm.
Map voting system? They need to know how to ensure good user experience and more technically; be knowledgeable with networking models.
Cutscenes? Camera manipulation, they need to be able to utilise advanced CFrame and tweenService.
In out system? It is described that the programmer should know how to use UI and also script with them.
Rewards? Networking that connects client with the server and ensure that their updated data is saved. Programmer should therefore be adept in DataStores, utilising popular data abstraction libraries and/or develop one.
Put all this together and it should look like this:
The programmer should have deep knowledge with time complexitiy issues to best determine what approach should be used in order to have an efficient system. The person of this job should have a strong familiarity with data structures and algorithms, simulatanously know how to apply them correctly in order to uphold standards. The frameworks that will be worked on or made must be very secure, therefore experience with back-end programming is important. The programmer should have knowledge with UI/UX because they also need to appeal to the aesthetical parts of the game. Lastly, not an extensive knowledge of front-end programming is required but is appreciated.