I’m not certain you mean to say it pays 400 robux (that’s what R$ means), but if that’s the case then that’s insanely little for anything called a project.
The project is a sort of small project. If anyone interested in price raise, then we can work out a fair price.
This is basically just a need of a 5 minute automatic show that happens every hour. I know someone who can do it, but haven’t heard anything yet. I need this done in the next two weeks.
400 robux is the rough equivalent of about $1.50 at devex rates, for that money a project of 6 minutes is already a bit much. Unless your project is 2 lines of code, the time taken to just get into the project already makes the rate less than minimum wage.
My plan is to make an automatic stage show that automatically plays every hour. The show is about dolphins that are just being them self’s at the start, but then an evil killer whale comes and try’s to eat them. He fails, and the killer whale runs off. The show will be filled with so much effects!
For a five minute show, you need to build all of the props - and then script every single frame, unless you use TweenService. I’d assume this would take at least 30 minutes for an experienced scripter.
The minimum wage in the UK is £7.8 roughly, but if we just make that £7 an hour, that would be 2,000R$ per hour minimum. Therefore for something like this, 1,000R$ would be the starting price.
I don’t think it’s necessary to take down, however, realising it’s underpaid and tweaking the rates would be. We’re not here to tell people to get out, we’re here to tell them we think they’re mistaken in things and hopefully allow them to see that themselves.
Offer is still up! I’m still waiting to hear back from a guy. If you can show me some previous work before I hear back from this guy, you may be booked for this small 30 minute project!
You are of course free to put up any offer you want, but if you want to hire someone serious for the job you should definitely consider upping the price significantly. Right now you’re just asking for free labor.
I think the reason you get these reactions is because R$1000 equals $3.50 when DevEx-ed. If you expect the work to take at max 30 minutes, it corresponds to $1.17 per ten minutes of work. That’s equivalent of working for free, if you ask me.