[Closed] Semi realistic low poly builder needed

About the job and us

Hello there we are here from Atlis hotels! We ar looking to hire a interior and exterior designer. We need someone who can get the work done cheaply and quickly!


You can contact me from discord ak#4246
We will also be able to discuss the payment details there.


This post may not be correctly written or it may not be in the correct category as this is one of the first post I am making on this community. Please feel free to correct me below. :smile:


Wrong category, put it in #collaboration:recruitment.

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Done! Thanks for correcting me there. :smile:

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Whats you’re budget for this project so developers can know?

i am a builder https://enesstublla.wixsite.com/website here is my portofolio if u are interested contact me on discord:Builder_Konn#2858

I might be interested. My discord is @(Marmite Gang) Spam#5938

I would be looking at around 6k.

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