Hey everyone! I hope you all doing fine, I have been developping about 2 and a half years. I am currently looking to do commission so I can work for you! I have done commission for major group Nova Corporation.
I hope I can help you in your project as Terrain artist or by creating GUI for you!
On terrain I have been mastering optimization, to make the map to generate less lag and still working on terrain developpement.
You can view all personal project and comission I did on Nova Corporation
GUI Arts ( Still improving)
I am mostly availabe during weekday, since Friday, Saturday and sunday I work in irl! I will mostly work during evening.
Prices are negotiable and I preffer to be paid by group fund or by t-shirt but you must pay the taxes…
You can contact me here on the Developer Forum or on Discord : SilverStallions#8742
I hope I can work for you as fast I can!