[CLOSED!] simulator job


Hey Guys! This is Developer Studio’s, We are a upcoming, And growing studio. We are currently about to start making a game. It will be a simulator, This will be a simple simulator for New Years


This will be PARTY POPPER SIMULATOR, This will be where you can blow your PARTY POPPER, Upgrade it and Get a better backpack for your PARTY POPPER. You will be able to “GET A DIFFRENT CLASS”, “GET BETTER POPPERS”, SPECIAL UPDRADES. – More can be discussed in discord! :slight_smile:

SCRIPTER! – Needs to be able to script the entire game.
BUILDER – Needs to be able to build the assets needed for the game, Like the Lobby And Etc
ANIMATOR – Needs to make a few Animations like the Blowing the Popper animation.
UI – needs to make the Ui’s for the game.
MANAGER – Make sure the game is going well, Helps out with everything.

SCRIPTER [35%] @x_Marino
BUILDER [20%] @thatisawesome123
UI DESIGN [20%] @SirAlexanderHamilton
ANIMATOR [10%] @krisi1881
MANAGER [5% ] @NFLFootballisthebes
MANAGER [10% ] @yao77

– This is just for fun, But if the game does do good then we will share the robux equally. If i decide to i will pay out robux to your guys, But that is to be decided. [YOU WILL GET A PERCENT, BUT THEIR IS NO BACKUP PAYMENT UNLESS I DECIDE TO MAKE ONE!]


– You can either contact me on discord or here!

Discord : GrinchDeveloper#6312

Thanks! :slight_smile:



So this is a passion project, and since you admitted there is no backup pay and no payment from the game (even though you are giving %…?), you want to hire developers for free?


Yes, This is just for fun. We are trying to make a great game. As i stated i may give payment. Im still deciding. :slight_smile:

Good luck on finding developers :slight_smile:
But i think its gonna be hard to find developers with no pay / %

You did put percentages on the post
Are you giving those percentages?

If you are able to give a payment.
Do it.

Sorry I would totally do this but I am currently trying to build up my own developer community. Honestly developers these days don’t really take commissions for free…

Yes, Im giving those payment/Percentages. If i do stack up enough robux over the winter, Then i will pay my developers. :slight_smile:

From what I understood you are looking for people to make you the game for free or there is chance that you will pay them unknown amount. I am not saying that it’s impossible but finding people to work like this will be hard.

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Trying to hire devs for free isnt allowed on the DevForum, just an fyi.

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We already have a Scripter, Builder, Animator, And a Manager. Just looking for the Ui designer.

I’m paying a percent if you did not read above! :smiley:

Yeah, just caught that part.

You really shouldnt have this on your post then…

It doesnt really make sense to say you’re not paying anyone and then suddenly include the fact that you’ll pay with percentages.

People may click off the second they see that.

Alright, Thanks i will be sure to change that! :slight_smile:

Interested-ish! Sending DM now!

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