You’ll need to be able to maintain current and future code, be able to make modules and systems. You will also be developing new technology, all scripted technology must be able to work in FE. Using a module or events, FE is required.
We are paying 3600 Robux monthly, you get paid 240/hr for work reached outside the 6 hours a month needed.
Contact Us
You can contact us here on the Developer Forum or via Discord: uVQk3e2// me personally WildJGaming#0788
You must be 13 years or older to apply.
Thanks for your time. - Lead Developer//Founder - Chief_Thompson.
Most scripters here work on Minimum wage… You’re saying that you are paying 30-55 robux an hour, which is not even a 5th of a penny…
Current minimum wage in the US is $7.25 a hour, which equates to around 2k robux an hour… If you expect to find any script that is willing to take this job, I’d highly suggest raising the payment…
Hello, 12904. Yes, I know it’s a very low wage, but we’re under a 15K budget, with 2 other paid developers. But, I am willing to raise the payment, do you have any suggestions, I’d love to hear it if so.
I don’t think even 3600 is that great. I mean, it’s understandable your at a low budget. But you’re basically asking the scripter to handle the entire game. Because Systems and UI and new technologies basically cover an entire game’s worth of programming.
I mean a scripter can make more robux just doing a quarter of the work on one of the things you listed.