[CLOSED] TelaPain / Builder Portfolio

About Me

Hi there! :wave: Come on in and make yourself warm :coffee:!
My name is TelaPain, and this is my portfolio. I am offering my services as a builder :building_construction:. I’ve been building on ROBLOX since 2012, and have experience in a range of things. All of my builds are made purely on Studio, and I do not use any external software, e.g. Blender.
Check out my work below! :point_down:


Check out screenshots of my work here

:warning: Please note: the lettering on the Tower of Terror and I’m A Celebrity Get Me Out of Here: Maze! was made by a plugin and is not mine. Everything else was 100% created by me.


I am available for four to six hours of work on the weekends. You can contact me any time, but I am unable to work during the week due to school. :slight_smile:


Prices are negotiable, I accept either hourly pay or per asset. My preferred payment method is ROBUX. :moneybag:


You can contact me here on the Developer Forum, on ROBLOX, or on Discord TelaPain

Thanks for reading and have a lovely day! :wave: