[CLOSED] Tool Scripter for Roblox High School 2

Hi there! We’re Cinder Studio, and we’ve just released our brand new social game Roblox High School 2 into paid access.

If you’re unfamiliar, this game is our sequel to the original Roblox High School. Our goal with the new game is to create a much more polished Roblox experience and provide the fans with new additions they’ve been requesting for a long time. The original game amassed 500M+ visits during its 4 year lifetime, and RHS2 is off to a very strong start in the first few days since its release.

Now that I’m heading back home for school after 3 months in the Accelerator program, I’m looking for another scripter who can join us and help work on the game as we aim for its free-to-play release in December.

About The Job

The original Roblox High School used gear items straight from Roblox, but these were very unpolished, hard to control on mobile/gamepad, and used a lot of hacky/outdated methods, making them very prone to glitches.

Your job will be to completely remake some of these transport items (such as bikes, wings, skateboards, etc.) to the following standards:

  • Fully compatible with PC, mobile, and gamepad controls

  • Clean, reliable code that’s less glitch-prone

  • Greater level of visual polish than the original items (such as animations)

  • Works with PGS physics solver

  • Movement is done on the client, not on the server, for instant feedback

You’ll still use the mesh and texture assets from the Roblox gears, but the code should be 100% fresh. You’ll be provided the animation assets for each tool, as well as the specifications for how the tool should be designed.

You’ll be expected to finish about 1 item per week, which will probably be 15-20 hours of work a week. There’ll be 11 items in total for this job, and the end date of the job will be November 30.


You will be paid 1,000,000 Robux per month of completed work, for a grand total of 3,000,000 Robux at the end of the 3 months of work that this job involves. Payments will be distributed via group funds. (I do not offer USD payments)

I’ll provide you with due dates for each of the items you’ll be expected to complete. Items must be completed on time in order to receive that month’s payment.

You’ll be given a short contract to sign which lays out all of the payment details and the terms of the job.

This particular job is a one-off contract work opportunity, but I may offer you a more permanent position on our team if I really like the work you’ve done for this job.

Contact Me

If you’re interested in this opportunity, please send me a Devforum DM (@Cindering) with examples of your past work. I’m hoping to select someone by the end of this week.
If you have any questions at all, feel free to message me! I’m happy to talk more.

Thank you! :slight_smile:


I sent you a dm. :smiley:

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I think @SummerEquinox would be a good choice I’ll let him know about the job later…

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This position is now filled - thank you to everyone who applied, there were a lot of amazing candidates for the job. If there are any additional openings in the future, I’ll be in touch again :slight_smile:


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