Closed topic (more letters)

closed topic sorry :sob:

they will need a 2D artist or something related to that

Not kidding spent over 4 hours trying to get on the devfourm

friend but they need 1 artist 2d:D

So you want to make 2d are for us?

yes of course I need a long term job ,I don’t charge much and I would like to work at a low price, but I need job stability

Contact Reals#0001, He is the head of that stuff

If he is the head, he should be the one posting this…

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I already sent you a request friend in discord

I dont think he wanted to spend 4 hours reading.

Does not matter, it can be taken down if it is not the head/owner who is posting.

Just want to let you know, another easy way to pay for people to work on your game is by giving them a percentage of what the group makes. You can do that until they reach the amount that was needed to pay them instead of giving them a little amount after they do a whole bunch of work, and then the rest 2 months from now.

oh ok that makes more sense then you should try to make those things more clear next time.

I am the owner of the hotel, He is helping getting everything sorted Im basically the head head he is the head

I am the owner of the hotel, He is helping getting everything sorted Im basically the head head he is the head

Hello, I would love to apply. My discord is MathGeek#1111

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