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About Us

We are a new game development team. We want to create high quality games on Roblox. We aren’t the best developers, but together, we can make and accomplish great things.

Current Developers
@Elemental_Reaper123 - Builder & Game Manager/Owner and model design requester
@ElijahDev1 - GUI & UI Artist
@Clxzed - LUA Novice and GUI

About The Job

We are looking for a long term builder to make assets and a long term scripter to help script everything in the game. We would like if you also helped contributed more, like ideas and concepts you think would be cool for our game.


We are paying through robux commissions in a group. Each role gets 25% of the game profits

Contact Us

Please do not contact me here on the developer forums, as I get a lot of notifications and I might miss your message. If you are interested, please join our discord server. (zRhDF2FnSy)

Thanks for reading! :slight_smile:

(no need to be extremely professional or anything, we are just a development group having fun and making high quality Roblox games!)

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