{closed ty} hiring a few QA testers

About the job

Hi there! Hey there, I’m gonna be really simple and straightforward, I’m looking for around 5 playtesters for my game! If you choose to be a tester (thanks in advance!) your job will be to collaborate with me and my co-developers and help test and play through every aspect of the game finding any issues in the scripting, and bugs. Good communication skills are appreciated.

About The Game

You will be testing a game called Sakura Sword Fighting. Sakura Sword Fighting is an online multi-game mode sword fighting game. It follows the principles of sword fighting like seen on Sword Fight on The Heights but adds a unique modern twist as well as features.


Each tester will be paid 50R$ for an hour, maybe more for playing and helping test the game. Payment will be sent out through group funds.

The testing time and date will begin in 4 days from today. I’m posting this now so I can hopefully have some people help me out in time!

Contact Me

Please contact me through discord san#0550
Join the game server: Discord

Thanks for reading! :slight_smile:


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