CLOSED UI Artist Needed for Fantasy-Medieval RPG

Hello! My name is FaithDoesntLie or Mikhael for short. I lead a small team of contracted developers working on a unnamed fantasy-medieval themed RPG. The game is much harder to explain in words than for you to experience it for yourself here .

Our focus is on the natural path a player takes when experiencing our surreal environment. We wish to produce an intricate storyline that leads a player from start to finish within our woven atmosphere while bringing an homage to farming, teamplay, and personal interactions. Our backbone relies on hand produced dungeons (no random-generated content at all), delicate detail in 3d modeling, and the old-style aspects of an RPG. This means that trading, farming loot and currency, and progressing through the game rewards you by unlocking more content, more opportunities, and even more exploring to do.

We are looking for a professional UI Artist to contract as our lead UI Artist. There is a lot of UI work to be done and we need you to work fast. We expected to have a beta version out in two weeks which does mean a lot of under pressure work with my management. Since this is such a high-pressure scenario, we are flexible on payment (find more details in Payment).

We expect to spend close to $150 USD all around for UI but if we love your work there is no price we wont match!


Please contact us through discord to submit applications or ask for details: Truth#9536
I can also answer any questions or clarify any details in the DevForum.

If you want to follow the games progress, find the game here:

Any questions or if you need a specific example of UI work we expect, please comment down below and I will happily provide! -Truth


Offer is still open, I encourage anyone with a portfolio to apply!

What UI are you looking for? Sleek but cartoonist? Sleek but rusty?

Looking for similar UI we have in game(scuffed) but more sleek. So as you said, sleek but rusty.

I’ll give it ago and try make something sleek and rusty, I’ll message you on Discord when I am finished.

Perfect, will be waiting for your application

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