Untitled College Game - Seeking a Scripter and UI Designer
About The Game
Untitled College Game (this is not the actual title, there is no title for this game yet) is a game that takes place in Blox University, where the players are enrolled at. Players are able to access their dorm rooms, attend classes, and roam campus between classes.
The Team
@VeryRBLX - Builder
@keegaroo65 - Scripter
@You - UI
About The Job
– Scripter
I am looking for a scripter that can use DataStores to save and load data, make a currency system, an inventory system, and other features, should they be added.
– UI Designer
I am looking for a UI designer that can make the game look as pleasing as possible through the player’s eyes. All creative control over theme and UI will be handed over to the UI designer.
I am allocating a percentage of up to 70% of the game’s revenue to the developers. This way, the 70% can be split between the two developers. This will be negotiable.
Contact Me
You can contact me here on the DevForum (@VeryRBLX), on Discord (VeryRBLX#9539) or via Twitter at: https://twitter.com/VeryRBLX
You must be 13 years or older to apply.
Thank you for your time!