[CLOSED] vacrun's Portfolio - Experienced Builder & Basic Scripting


Hello there! I’m vacrun, I am an experienced builder, graphic designer, and scripter. I’ve been building in Roblox Studio for about 2-3 years now and I keep learning throughout my journey. My specialty is developing for the ROBLOX business industry! I enjoy making interview/training centers, cafes, homestores, bakeries, and more. I am very detailed when it comes to interior design, I will do my best to flourish both the outside and the inside of a build! You’ll see some of the work I’ve done throughout my time as a developer in my portfolio, I am very flexible with payment & my timetable to get your commission done on time.



Pieza Parlor V2 (WIP)

Pieza Training Center

Sprinklify Bakery


I am on around 7 days a week, I usually spend around 5-6 hours on ROBLOX but it will all depend on my college classes and my assignments, as well as my personal life. Currently, I am taking 3 college standard classes so I may not always have the time to go on ROBLOX. My timetable is flexible and I will do my best to finish a commission on time as per requested by my client(s).

Prices are negotiable, I accept group funds & group profit percentage. I would prefer any commissions reaching out to me to be 7-6k for easy tasks and 8-25k for more intermediary projects. Though, this may not always apply depending on how large or small a project is, I will be as flexible as possible.

You may contact me here in the DevForum or via Discord at vacrun#2021

Thanks for reading!


Hello! I added you on Discord. I’m interested, we can discuss there!

Wonderful work! Can’t wait for your comms to open again!

Your work is definitly stunning!