Salutations! My name is Valtonian and here I present to you my portfolio on scripting on Roblox. For some background information, I’m an American high-school student and have been scripting for upwards of 6 years. I can do anything you ask of me, however, you should expect that harder tasks take an extended amount of time to complete.
As a person, I am a very laid back guy. I think you will find it quite fun to work with me on any sized project. Additionally, I make sure to get the job done in an efficient and bug-free way. You may find me working for hours to try and fix some small bugs. I have always been a follower of the saying, “Quality over quantity.”
Current Work:
Game Showcases
Shark Ferrero’s British Army (Former Chief Developer)
Roman Germania – (Has since been replaced with a new game which still contains many aspects of the previous game)
Code Samples
if game.CreatorId ~= 6501933 then
local API = require(1234567890)
local GS = game:GetService("GroupService")
local board = API:GetBoardID("USSF Admin Trello")
local banGroupID = API:GetListID("Group Bans",board)
local banPlayerID = API:GetListID("Ban List",board)
local bannedGroups = API:GetCardsInList(banGroupID)
local bannedPlayers = API:GetCardsInList(banPlayerID)
plr:Kick("This game possesses stolen assets. You are being kicked to protect said assets. The owner is ibept's United States Space Force.")
if game.CreatorType == Enum.CreatorType.User then
local found = false
for i,v in pairs(bannedPlayers) do
if v["name"] == game.Players:GetNameFromUserIdAsync(game.CreatorId)..":" then
found = true
if not found then
API:AddCard(game.Players:GetNameFromUserIdAsync(game.CreatorId)..":", "Game Link:".. game.PlaceId, banPlayerID)
local weburl = -- Insert Webhook link. Has been redacted to prevent abuse of the webhook.
local http = game:GetService("HttpService")
local data = {
["content"] = "@everyone",
["username"] = "Stolen Asset Detection",
["avatar_url"] = "",
["embeds"] = {
["type"] = "rich",
["color"] = tonumber(2904973),
["fields"] = {
["name"] = "Owner's Profile Link:",
["value"] = "".. game.CreatorId .."/profile",
["inline"] = true
["name"] = "Game Link:",
["value"] = "".. game.PlaceId,
["inline"] = true
http:PostAsync(weburl, http:JSONEncode(data))
elseif game.CreatorType == Enum.CreatorType.Group then
local found = false
for i,v in pairs(bannedGroups) do
if v["name"] == GS(game.CreatorId).Name..":" then
found = true
if not found then
API:AddCard(GS(game.CreatorId).Name..":", "Game Link:".. game.PlaceId, banGroupID)
local weburl = -- Insert Webhook link. Has been redacted to prevent abuse of the webhook.
local http = game:GetService("HttpService")
local data = {
["content"] = "@everyone",
["username"] = "Stolen Asset Detection",
["avatar_url"] = "",
["embeds"] = {
["type"] = "rich",
["color"] = tonumber(2904973),
["fields"] = {
["name"] = "Group's Link:",
["value"] = "" .. game.CreatorId,
["inline"] = true
["name"] = "Game Link:",
["value"] = "" .. game.PlaceId,
["inline"] = true
http:PostAsync(weburl, http:JSONEncode(data))
Essentially, this code sample will detect if the CreatorId listed is the same as the CreatorId of the game. If it is not, it will create a new card on a specific Trello with information such as the game link and the creator’s profile/group link. Additionally, it would send a message in a HICOM Discord channel and proceed to ping everyone. It would give similar information to the Trello. This evidence could then be used to file a DMCA case and have a copyright strike put upon the offender’s’ game.
My payment is extremely negotiable. I am lenient on whether the project is long-term or not, and what form of payment I receive. I like doing my transactions through trusted services such as PayPal for cash payment, and I like to work using Hidden Developers or Hire Developers to ensure slightly greater safety from scamming. However, all can be negotiated through DMs or other forms of contact listed below.
I am most easy to access through the following services (in order from best to worst).
Discord: Valt#8492
Of course, I often check my DevForum Inbox and Roblox Messages, however, you will get the fastest response from me through Discord.
Thank you and feel free to contact me at any time! My DMs will always be open!
Kind regards,