CLOSED (We cancelled the project)

Hello, my name is LITsavage215 and we are looking for an intermediate - Advanced scripter to make scripts for guns, vehicles, and other objects. we are trying to develop a Role playing game mainly based around Cops, civilians, and other jobs. Our current development team is LITsavage215, Coolmanluka, InutilePleb, Dragonbuild15. We cannot bring payment immediately, but we can give the scripter 20-30% of our earnings from this game. Please message us or reply if you’re interested! If you want to know anything more message me at, Ineedalif3#1721
Thank you for your interest, LITsavage215.

10% way too low sir for the amount of work, that’s like nothing if the game bust no thank you.

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We could raise the amount eventually, we just started on it.

well I really don’t think anybody is going to accept this offer for only 10% for the planning you need to raise it up to atleast 35-40% if you even want anyone to accept it then you need to have a backup plan so if the game fails we developers still get paid some way for example;
10,000R$ for the scripts

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The game wouldn’t require much scripting. It’s mainly just buildings. We only need the scripts for a few guns, vehicles, and doors. We will be raising commision to the price 20-30%

Do you have a backup plan? If not then it’s doubtful for somebody to take the offer.

We’re not asking for too many complicated things to script. We just need a basic scripter if that’s all we can get. We don’t have enough money for a backup so we can only just offer 20-30%.

So how are you going to start up the game?

Through social media such as twitter, or we can use the money we first get for advertising after we pay commision to the scripter.

Twitter isn’t going to work unless you got hundreds of people advertising.

We already have a good amount of twitter followers on my studio group where I can advertise it.

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