About Us

Hello! We’re an up and coming WW2 Group/game. We’re also a group, however, we’re creating a game that’ll not only attract our group members, but also just regular raiders. We’ll have two teams, on solely for our members (must be in the group) and another solely for the raiders. Raiders and the group team will both have the same fair weapons. The design of the game is to hold the flags for as long as possible to get more points then buy better guns.

Open Positions
Head Builder (Must be experienced in WW2 work, as well as willing to take charge of all of our current employed developers. Already around 8+)
Terrain Designer (Understands battle logistics and will be able to create a fair battle map)
Scripter (must be comfortable with UI as well)
Modeler (Must be well experienced)

About The Job

We are looking for a professional builder to join our team and lead the rest of the developers. We expect high quality builds that adhere to our game’s style. Good communication skills are appreciated; we check team progress daily and want to maintain a healthy relationship with one another.

We expect you to adhere to our deadlines when you’re given them if you simply can’t work at a fast pace this job isn’t for you.


We are paying 3K+ R$ Per month. Our preferred payment method is Robux. We will offer a contract for you to sign that will guarantee payment for the assets you’ve created.

Contact Us

You can contact us on discord; Legion#1565

Thanks for reading! :slight_smile:


I am interested in the modeler job, do you have any examples?

i’m interessed as a builder/3d modeler i cant send you a friend request your discord is worng :confused:
can fix it??
hope to work together.
have a nice day! :+1:

Honestly, you should change the name.
It sounds disrespectful when you say: WW2 Capture The Flags Game.
As a person who is interested in WW2 and is experienced in history a lot, I suggest you change it.

However, I could do the terrain thing. I’m very experienced in history and I’m good with battle areas and when and when not to add something.
I can add hills, mud, grass, etc.
If you’re still hiring here is an example of my lighting/terrain and I’m interested.

Will the 3k be paid at the start or end of the job?

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