[Closed] XX_XXFRIED Portfolio | Builder | Scripter

:smiley:About Me

Hi there! I am offering my services as a beginner builder and intermediate scripter. I specialize in asset creation and fixing old stuff as much as I can. now I won’t lie and say I have 6 years of scripting and building experience, I have been scripting and building for a while now but only about 6-7 months ago I got serious about it


If your rude I can deny service for you
I will show you pictures and if you don’t like it tell me
If you need anything fixed (after purchase) the first 2 times will be free 3rd time will be an extra 10 robux (keeps rising)
be patient with me and I will be patient with you.


You can view my assets here: Game Of Basic Buildings - Roblox
Pistol Game [Test Game] - Roblox

Big Brain AI

Press T to change color


Shift To Sprint

Tweened Block To Grow

If you want more examples just DM me.


I am available all week due there being no school.


Remember prices are always negotiable, they can also change


small script: 10-30 :robux:
medium script: 30-45 :robux:
large script: 50-100 :robux:

Building not available at the moment


You can contact me here on the Developer Forum cause I don’t have a discord at the moment, If you want some more examples reply first then DM

Thanks for reading! :slight_smile:

Hope you have a AMAZING DAY! :smiley:
also, tell me anything I need to fix this is my first portfolio.

also, sorry if I make any grammatical errors [English isn’t my first language]


This is closed meaning at the moment I’m not looking for work.

Thank you