
[strike]So, modules are always run once on the client, right? Well, that doesn’t work so well when the client accidentally runs and old module, the client is reset, and then the client is asked to run a new module with the same name as the last module… The old version of the module remains run by the client and the new module is never fun [/strike]

JK I caused the issue.

Module with the same name, but a different module, or the same module? Just want to clarify.

Both modules have the same name. One is called by the client and then removed from the game. The other is inserted and then called again but because it ‘already ran on the client’, the old code is used.

“The other is inserted and then called again but because it ‘already ran on the client’, the old code is used.”

That shouldn’t be the case. Require is done by object reference, not name or anything like that. What exactly are you doing?

Oh god. :frowning:

I accidentally had two sets of the modules in the place and it was picking the old one. Whoops. :emo-angst: