[CLOSED][10-15$USD] I'm looking for experienced builder for Star Wars game

About Us

Greetings, we are Vortex Games, a small game development team. Currently, we’re making a Star Wars RP-PvP game. We are looking for experienced builder to create 2 maps for the game.

The Team
@Milkeles - Scripter, Animator, UI/UX, 3D Modelling, GFX
@Vortex_Devity - Scripter, Animator

You can see our progress so far here: Lightsaber Combat Testing - Roblox

About The Job

We’re looking for experienced builder to create 2 maps for the game - Jedi Temple on Coruscant and Dark Temple on Dromund Kaas. We don’t have a preffered style, you can apply any style as long as it looks good. Make sure you should have decent knowledge about Star Wars.


We are only paying with USD Via PayPay. 10-15$(depends on how detailed it is) for each map.

Contact Us

You can contact me on Discord: Milkeles#6399
Make sure to send me screenshots of your pervious work.

Thanks for reading! :slight_smile:

Personally just for a small bit of criticism, 10-15$ seems way too low for maps, I would recommend maybe bumping it up a tad bit

Well, I can possibly build the 2nd map myself and make it 25-30$ just for Coruscant but it’s just the Jedi Temple(Building) not a large map, I don’t know if that’s a good price I never hired people before uh oh.

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