[closed]Clothing Designer for Military Group Needed

Hello, designers!

I need a couple pieces of clothing!

I need a combat shirt, and some combat pants.
I need a training shirt, and some training pants.
I also need a shirt for showing appreciation to our group, just a shirt with our name our logo with some SFX.

Willing to pay 250 each piece of clothing. Payment can be negotiated. Please DM if you feel this is too low.
DM me - flippyfloppy#9999 if you are interested!

This is an Australian Army group.
Some examples of what we want are provided.
Our Merch - Roblox - Merch
|BA| Physical Training Uniform Shirt - Roblox - Training Shirt
|BA| Physical Training Pants - Roblox - Training Pants
|BA| Combat Uniform Shirt - Roblox - Combat Shirt
|BA| Combat Uniform Pants - Roblox - Combat Pants
These won’t be the same, they will be similar, and have our logo.

After these are done, we will look for another designer for our regiments.

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