Hello! I looking to hire 2 people to make a chess game with me, a scripter and a person who can makes GUIs.
This is my group and where the chess game is going to be:
About The Job
I am looking for a scripter who can make a classic game of chess, with all the pieces moving correctly,
Ex: bishops moving diagonally
And special rules such as en Passant and Castling
I also want a chess piece skin shop, and matchup system, as well as title screens.
I also need a GUI person who will work alongside the scripter, to make a title screen, store screen, and matchups screens.
"If I add more things to do i’ll pay more"
Update: We have a scripter now
I am offering 10k robux for the scripter and 4k robux for the GUIs,
you have to join this group for me to pay you
Contact Us
Send me a friend request or message me if you’re interested!