[CLOSSED] Parkour Legends [UI Designer needed]

Ok, my discord is C_robix#0121

i uhh. dont have discord.
can we do this is roblox dev forum messgaes please?

do you also have a portfolio? so i can see your work.

I dont have that much work on it, but i can make a ui

YAY! ok lets do this trough roblox dev fourm messagees

Hello, I am interested here my portfolio

ayeeee. ive seen this portfolio before!
i love your work!
Heres some of mine

Message me on the dev forum, ill explain more there.

Could you install discord to speak better?

No sorry. i wish i could but i cant yet

Okay, but the Robux are in a group or are you going to pay with a Tshirt covering 30%?

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No. just 150 group funds from a gamepass

I mean, you have them in a group, right?

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how long does a ToH Game UI Take btw?
I would like a money Gui [no numbers]
A timer gui [no numbers, just a backround and a text saying time left.] and thats really it.

Group: Sharkefex Fan group! - Roblox

My UIs are not scripted (30 chara cters…)

ik there not xd also join this group: Sharkefex Fan group! - Roblox

will you be done today.
al i need is a money gui with no text just backround and coin iccon.
and a timer ui with a backround and time left text [no numbers]

Okay, but try to send me some examples

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I joined the group with my main account

Wait, how am I supposed to pass it on to you later?