Clothes UV error

I’m using Greresh’s UV character clothes thingy and I’m getting error…
His plugin works amazingly by the way usually.

It was the solution I was needing to avoid humanoids

local module = {}

local players = game:GetService("Players")

function module.characterAtire(player)
    local dummy = game.ReplicatedStorage.Dummy:Clone()
    dummy.Parent = workspace
    local dummyHumanoid = dummy.Humanoid
    local humanoidDescription = players:GetHumanoidDescriptionFromUserId(player.UserId)
    dummyHumanoid:ApplyDescription(humanoidDescription, Enum.AssetTypeVerification.Default)
    local shirtID = dummy.Shirt.ShirtTemplate
    local pantsID = dummy.Pants.PantsTemplate
    local characterDescendants = player.Character:GetDescendants()
    for count, item in characterDescendants do
        if item.Name == "Shirt" then
            item.ColorMap = shirtID
        if item.Name == "Pants" then
            item.ColorMap = pantsID

return module

“The current thread cannot write ‘ColorMap’ (lacking capability Plugin)” error

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turns out you cant modify it during runtime

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