Clothing Designer For Hire; Must be high quality

About Us

Hello there! Glad to see you reading this. We are one of the advanced correctional (prison groups) out there, so we are currently looking for some high-quality

The Team
@Bulldo344 - Front-End & Back-end Programmer
@StitchDreamz- Modeller, Developer
@Kickinqq - UI

About The Job

We are looking for a professional clothing designer to join our team or work part-time with us depending on their schedules. We expect high quality clothing that adhere to our game’s style.

We are looking for them to be in a timely manner, but high-quaility.


We are paying 39 robux R$/USD per outfit. This will add-up to 507 robux. Our preferred payment method is robux. We will offer a contract for you to sign that will guarantee payment for the assets you’ve created.

I am willing to negotiate the price up more, but that is our starter price.

Examples like I want it:

These are just the examples, do not copy off of them. We will provide the logos and all you must put on there and everything else. I know this outfit is from somewhere else, but this is just an example.

Contact Us

I’d prefer for you to send me a message on discord, or send me a friend request. Discord @ Bulldo344#5731.

Must be 13+ to apply.

Thanks for reading! :slight_smile:

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