Clothing IDs not loading

Hey, I am currently editing a uniform script for a Napoleonic era raid map. All of the script is working however, when the script makes the clothing items and imports the IDs into them, it just removes the player’s clothing and doesn’t load the ones specified. The IDs I am using are valid and here is an example of what is imported into the template section of the clothing.

"rbxassetid://(id here)"

Does anyone know why this isn’t working?

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are you somehow sure that youre using the shirt’s template id instead of the shirt id (the one in the catalog)?

I’m setting the shirt template to this:

"rbxassetid://(shirt id)"

no no, the shirt template id and the shirt catalog id is differ from each other,

example this:

Catalog ID: 5849534695

Shirt Template ID: 5849534674

Im using currently using the catalog id

Paste the catalog ID in a Shirt and copy what it changes to.

The whole link or just the new id like this:

"rbxassetid://(new id)"

Only paste the ID in it and copy the whole thing.

ohhh then it wont work,
how i got the shirt template is by using InsertService

Worked, thank you both for your contribution! I forgot that the two IDs are different lol.