Clothing Mannequin

I just finished my Clothing Mannequin

I have made this as part of building my portfolio, please let me know what you think, thank you!


It looks much more advanced then an original clothing mannequin than just has a proximity prompt to put it on. The ui’s look good so I doubt there is anything you could do to make it better

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That’s extremely clean, you could toggle mannequin controls once the menu pops up, so every client can also test the clothes out while controlling the mannequins animations! What I’m thinking is, once the player views the clothing menu, they also have control over the mannequin. The mannequin stays in place, but the player gets their own character animations applied to it, and they can view their animations on the mannequin!

Thank you, I suppose it’s not a terrible idea however I don’t really see the point in it. Players can try on the clothes then do whatever with their own avatar (animations, make outfits with it, ect). It just doesn’t seem like an essential feature and I want it to be as simple as possible while delivering a premium experience.

Thank you!

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Yeah thats what I am saying its too good to do anything more lol

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This is amazing! How about you just tweak up the gui a little, and add a “Stop trying on” button so people don’t have to rejoin / reset. Otherwise, this is great!9/10

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Thank you!

This is probably something the game developer would add externally, the mannequin is simply for buying and trying.

I have open sourced this

If you’re planning on using this, please keep everything in their correct places and do not remove anything from the Mannequin folder

You can duplicate “Mannequin” as many times as you want, you can also rename the folder if you want.

Only have 1 “ClothingGUI” under StarterGUI, do not duplicate that.

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