Clothing Moderation

Hi everyone. I recently got a warning for my shirt. I wonder how this is breaking ToS, any ideas? (Original had no watermark)

Try changing the template’s border. My guess is that the possible cause for the warning are the pieces of text being drawn over. Small or slightly unreadable text has resulted in people getting warnings in the past.

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I think that the text is just a watermark, so people don’t steal. You do have a point there, small text could get you a warning.

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I’m referring to the text on the border, not the actual shirt.


Those messages are on every template, I’ve never gotten a warning because of that.
Am I misunderstanding? Not sure.

True, but in this case some of the words are drawn over. I’m not sure how moderation works entirely, I don’t know if clothing approval is verified by an actual human or a bot. A bot could easily mistake it.

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Yeah, great point. I’ve never thought of that before, but it makes a lot of sense.

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Roblox moderation isn’t a robot. I think they likely moderated it due to the colors being similar. The black and dark blue blend together fairly easily - and people could use that to make their character appear nude.


Please PM this group in case of falsily moderated assets next time:

Aside from that, in fact, you need to make sure that the text covered is properly readable. That’s just odd.

Little bit of a rant: this group is like super inactive


No, moderation is automatic, I once got a false 1 day ban within 30 seconds of updating my group logo (literally, I appealed and the ban was false but it shouldn’t of happened in the first place).

It probably autodetects for anything that a user can use to create NSFW content

Wouldn’t recommend appealing via @ModReviewRequests, haven’t had much luck in the past with a warning, instead go to Support - Roblox.

It’s better than never attempting it. They’re not quite inactive.


Moderation is not automatic - it’s actual people doing it. Human moderators can make mistakes.

The only “automated” part of moderation is if you upload something that’s been uploaded before. Roblox will likely one day try to automate more of the moderation process, but they’re not there yet.

It is. 2000-ish moderators cannot handle a platform with 2B players by themselves. Plus, reports never get looked into most of the time and moderators should be focusing more on that

From prior recent experiences, I can 100% guarantee moderation is not automatic. If you’d like to discuss this further, we should take this to DMs to avoid going too off topic.