Clothing on mannequin appears not on sale

What I’m having an issue with is that my clothing buyers tell me that the clothing on a mannequin in my Homestore isn’t on sale. However, it is on sale, I have premium, and it’s made by me. I’m assuming it’s the faulty script but I checked everywhere and it seems to be correct. I am just confused on why the Roblox GUI is telling the customer my clothing is not on sale.

Here is the script being used for the mannequin. The click detector is also in place but I just can’t get this problem fixed.


Could someone tell me if that’s the right script or not? Or even better, the solution to have this problem fixed.

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I think the Problem in your item, try to make new and test it or try this script:

local ITEM_ID = 4924580074

      game:GetService("MarketplaceService"):PromptPurchase(player, ITEM_ID)


You’re selling the wrong asset. 4924580074 is a Pants Image (template) asset which is not valid for sales, it is only used by the Humanoid object for rendering pants in-game. You need to sell the actual Pants asset, which has an id of 4924580092.

Pants: “RIOT!” Piggy Pink Plaid Kawaii Edgy - Roblox
Pants image: Piggy Crop w Plaid Shorts - Roblox

By the way, I like that background image on the template.


Thank you so much! I think what I did wrong was copy the URL into the model then went back to copy the ID from the model, and used that instead of going to the asset.